General Instructions for Basic Users
Logon to www.rostercoster.com in a web browser using the username and password supplied by your roster administrator. (More...)
- The grey menus at the top left of the screen will take you to the pages you have permission to view. (More...)
- The following assume you have logged into your roster screen (More...)
You should always log any hours you will be Unavailable to avoid unnecessary phone calls and admin overheads, but you can also log any hours you are Available and would like to work to increase the chances of getting a shift.
- If there are any hours rostered for the date period shown in the heading they will show as various coloured bars in the roster. (More...)
- Hover over a bar to show the important details for that shift segment. (More...)
- Click on a bar to bring up the Roster Dialogue Box. (More...)
- Alternatively, to add a new shift, either click on the icon to open the Roster Dialogue Box with the default dates and times, or; (More...)
- Hold the left mouse button down and drag the pointer from left to right to “Paint” a shift where you want it to be. This will also open the Roster Dialogue Box but with the times already added from your “painting”. If the times or dates aren’t exactly right, change them.
- Select Start and Finish Dates carefully. Be sure to change both dates, not just the first one, if they are not both correct.
- Times are in 24-hour time, with 00:00 being midnight. 24:00 is not allowed, use 23:59 instead. Default times are 09:00 to 17:00 which is 9 am to 5 pm.
- For long term availability or unavailability, the start and finish dates can be different, but the finish time must be later than the start time!
- From the “Type” dropdown box select the option that best describes what you are trying to do. There are a number of options available depending on your organisation. (More...)
- In the notes section, add the reasons for your unavailability if you wish, and any information you think might be helpful, e.g. “Minding the children, Ring me if urgent”. (More...)
- Click Apply and your Unavailability segment will show as a black bar on your roster, Availability as a green bar. (More...)
- You cannot modify any rostering details other than availability and unavailability; Admin controls all colours other than black and green. If you open a locked shift the roster type drop down will be greyed out and the apply and delete buttons will be missing (More...)
- To modify a shift segment, left click on the bar you want to change. The original input box will pop up with the current details filled out.
- Carefully change any dates, times or details you need to and click apply.
- Left click on the availability segment and the input box will pop up.
- Left click on the delete button and click OK to the warning message if you sure you want to delete, the page will refresh and the segment will disappear. (More...)
- Click on Reports --> Hours in the menu. (More...)
- A report of all hours logged for you in the given date range will show in table form.
- Highlight and copy the table if you wish then paste into word or excel to perform calculations on hours.
- Click on Settings --> My Details in the menu. (More...)
- Change any details you need to then click on the icon. (More...)
- It is recommended you don’t change your Code without consulting your Staff Replacement Officer.
- If you have forgotten your password, you will need to contact your administrator to have it reset, otherwise Click on Settings --> Set Password. (More...)
- Enter your old password, followed by your new password, confirm your new password then click the save button. (More...)
- Click on Rosters --> My Roster again to return to your roster if required. (More...)
- To exit, click on Settings --> Log Off, or simply close the web page. (More...)
Last modified at 6/10/2008 13:42 by Tony Ryan