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Converting your design idea or standalone template into an app

EMSOnline: converting your design idea or standalone template into an 'app'


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An invitation


We have a process for converting design ideas and standalone templates into 'apps' hosted at EMSOnline.


We also have a high quality app design and development process that we'd like to talk you through, and demonstrate to you.


Enquiries to, phone 0438 388 922.


Maximising your coding "conversion rate"


A key measure of efficiency is our conversion rate: what percentage of the total coding devoted to an app is present in the final release version? To illustrate this, we use the old quotation "my apologies for the long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one" as a metaphor.


Due to the unique nature of EMSOnline as a pre-coded platform that can be morphed to your needs, we are often asked to not only create a finished product (the short letter in the above metaphor), but to also accompany our customers on the design / pilot 'journey' (the long letter).


We are quite happy to do this, but recommend, based on the experience of a decade doing this sort of thing that the more of your 'final design' you can bed down prior to commencement of coding, the better.


Some features of this approach:

  • The first is perhaps counter-intuitive: a paper-based app design is often easier to pilot with users than a draft app.
  • Another: user feedback on the final version is typically much better, if the user hasn't seen multiple draft (imperfect) coded versions.
  • Your project sponsor, say a CEO that you report to, won't turn around at the end of the project and ask why did we pay for a long letter, when we ended up with a short letter?

And on this last point, we can report that we have both seen and even been involved in projects that have been very long letters indeed, with remarkably short letters popping out at the end of that process.


Conversion rates on coding, if one works hard rather than smart, can easily be as low as 5% and less.


Safeguarding your intellectual property


EMSOnline contains a large amount of pre-code and many features that mean that your app is half-built before we even meet you.


This is a feature of EMSOnline in terms of getting your app built, however the effect on IP is that 'our' platform and 'your' app become, on a technical level, inseparable.


Having said that, we are rarely interested in the IP of apps we host. So if you have or want to assert IP over your design or template, just let us know. We then include in our agreement with you that your app and app design, unless you request otherwise, goes no further than to you.

Last modified at 22/02/2011 19:48  by Damien Ryan-Green