FinanceSay is linked to other rostering tools including RosterCoster.xls and Picture, at a unit level or for the whole of your organisation, a simple barchart comprising three $ amounts, one for your greenfield roster costing, one for your core roster costing and one for your worked roster costing. Then, drill down to the various sources of evidence that went into calculating those $ values.
FinanceSay ...
... was originally developed for DHS North & West DAS in 2002 to allow service areas ("WeSay") to cross-check information provided by finance teams ("FinanceSay")*. But over time, it became clear that the product works equally well in both directions, promoting healthy levels of check and balances between:
Direct service areas and finance teams; and
Our costings versus yours. (Whether "yours" arise from spreadsheets you've knocked up, or from multi-million dollars systems you've purchased, put them to the test. This is not a game of either-or, but of evidence, and the more evidence we can easily hyperlink to, the better.)
*Acknowledgement: the terms WeSay and FinanceSay were coined in sessions with Paul Morganti, who was the project manager back in the early 2000s who oversaw the original rollout of EMSOnline (the DHS version of Gateway) within DHS.
100909 Email to key stakeholders
100922 The art of costing a roster